Hi, I’m Lauren.

I accepted my dream job after college.

I followed the path I was supposed to. Go to college.  Get a practical business degree.  Get a good-paying corporate job.  Make enough money to buy a house.  Have a family.  Check, check, and check! I worked in retail for a Fortune 50 company. And for a long time, I loved it! I was somewhere that paid well.  Where I could solve problems.  Where I was given leadership opportunities.  Where I made amazing, lifelong friendships (a friend I met in orientation was a bridesmaid in my wedding six years later, and we’re still close today). 

Once I became a mom, everything changed.

I realized that after I had kids, my identity and priorities had completely changed. I was definitely not the same person, and I didn’t want the same things anymore. Something was missing, and I was barely hanging on. In order to manage a demanding full-time corporate leadership role, primary caregiving for two small children, and all of the normal household responsibilities, etc. - I turned to fast food, ADD medication, sleep aids, and screen time. I knew that something needed to change. But I had been with my company for 12 years, and who gives up a secure corporate job with a good salary and benefits?

Since I wasn’t listening, the Universe intervened.

One summer, I broke my ankle, and had to stay completely off my feet for eight weeks - as a mom of babies/toddlers! Eight weeks of sitting still, while the chaos of life continued to swirl around me. It was a rough and humbling time to say the least. The positive? It forced me to slow down. To stop everything I was doing. To listen more. To observe. To read. I found a book called Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life - and it did. It inspired a total shift in me: to start being more present, to start enjoying nature again, and to start listening to my body. All of a sudden, I was making huge, positive changes in my physical, mental, and spiritual health.

I started learning how I could grow into the happiest version of myself.

Before all of this, I had bought a sign to hang in my office reading: “She Designed a Life She Loved”. That was my motto! I had been very intentional about designing my future - practicing daily gratitude and goal journaling over the last five years. I had been carefully planning my future, but did I even know what I wanted anymore? I set out and did a lot of soul searching. I took time for personal reflection, education, sought out life coaches, and took purpose assessments. I started studying the wisdom and science of living your best life. I learned about philosophy & religion, and the modern science of Positive Psychology. And then I realized - there was so much information out there to share. I had discovered a new passion and purpose - to learn and guide other moms to live their happiest lives in motherhood too. I gave my notice at work, started school for Life Coach Certification with Jay Shetty (the master of finding your purpose) and created The Happy Mamas Club.

I would be honored to guide you on your journey.

Let’s Make this your Happy Mom Era!

happy mamas, families, and communities

We care about women, families, and making the world a better place.

That’s why 5% of all sales go to charities supporting women + families. And our events partner with local woman-owned small businesses. We’re all in this together!