happiness…is a way of life.

What are the ways you make Happiness a way of life?

For me, it’s:

1) Starting each day with 5 things I’m grateful for and guided meditation app for 5-10 minutes (I use the free Insight Timer app).

2) Getting out in the sunshine, bare feet in the grass, or out in the water (as much as is possible in MN).

3) Buying clean food each week, and eating this more often than not.

4) Scheduling some alone time and some friend time each week to re-charge.

5) Phone/TV off 1 hour before bed and 7-8hrs of sleep.

Do I do these perfectly every day? Nope! Perfection isn’t realistic, and isn’t the goal!

But when I do them, I have happy days. And happy days turn into joy-filled weeks. And joy-filled weeks turn into a beautiful life.

You deserve to enjoy motherhood. Find yourself, your path, your peace. XO, Lauren




You are doing your best